Monday 24 January 2011

New York, New York!!!!

So I've just discovered something!!! And it ain't good!

Last Christmas Matt took me to New York - it was a lovely surprise and an even nicer one when he proposed to me on Boxing Day in a restaurant there. From then on - New York will always have a special place in my heart.

So when it came to Christmas this year I decided I'd repay the compliment by surprising him with a trip back to the Big Apple (I got a deal). All sounds good so far? I booked to fly with Delta - as they're not expensive and they fly everyday direct from Manchester. It's a 7 hour flight and really comfortable on board and because New York is 5 hours behind - you only lose 2!!!

Anyway I booked all this - got excited for the trip, and the break from Mike, and then IT HAPPENED! Mike's only gone and booked the same flights on Delta to New York! There and back!

Now I have to get an upgrade to avoid him! Also, everywhere we go he always gets a better deal than me - if we stay in a hotel he gets the better room etc - so I've got to get one up on him.

Has anyone ever managed to blag one? How do I manage it?

Please help!
Chelsea x

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