Monday, 24 January 2011

New York, New York!!!!

So I've just discovered something!!! And it ain't good!

Last Christmas Matt took me to New York - it was a lovely surprise and an even nicer one when he proposed to me on Boxing Day in a restaurant there. From then on - New York will always have a special place in my heart.

So when it came to Christmas this year I decided I'd repay the compliment by surprising him with a trip back to the Big Apple (I got a deal). All sounds good so far? I booked to fly with Delta - as they're not expensive and they fly everyday direct from Manchester. It's a 7 hour flight and really comfortable on board and because New York is 5 hours behind - you only lose 2!!!

Anyway I booked all this - got excited for the trip, and the break from Mike, and then IT HAPPENED! Mike's only gone and booked the same flights on Delta to New York! There and back!

Now I have to get an upgrade to avoid him! Also, everywhere we go he always gets a better deal than me - if we stay in a hotel he gets the better room etc - so I've got to get one up on him.

Has anyone ever managed to blag one? How do I manage it?

Please help!
Chelsea x

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Wedding Jewellery

So now I have the dress, my thoughts have started moving onto wedding jewellery. From the dress I knoq I'll need a bracelet and earrings but god where do you start? I've got loads at home but you need something new don't you for such a special occasion. There didn't seem to be much on the high street that I liked or thought was appropriate for the occasion so I turned to the net.

I got out all the wedding magazines which I just can't throw away, you now the ones you rush out and buy as soon as you get engaged? I turned to the back tot he directory where all the websites are and just ploughed through them - it felt like I'd gone through 1000's. I knew I'd know what I wanted when I saw it.

I think it's important to make sure you think about the dress and the location when selecting your jewellery, there's no point in something really modern if you're getting married in an old building for example.

I discovered a website which was perfect for me.

Claire does the most amazing jewellery. What's great is that you can view the collection's based on the style, collection or item so it's easy to navigate your way round. There's some vintage as well as colours and beautiful contemporary designs. If you're very creative you can even design your own a they have a bespoke service. Well worth checking out - mine is ordered and I can't wait for it to arrive.

Chelsea xx

Monday, 10 January 2011

Chelsea's Wedding Diaries

Welcome to Chelsea's Wedding Diaries,

It's now 6 months until my wedding and now it's THIS year - it'll be here before I know it. Over the coming months I'll be blogging here about the big day, talking about various aspects of getting married, from the shoes to the dress, to photographers and wedding jewellery.
I'd love to hear your stories on your upcoming wedding so feel free to email me at
I've finally sorted my dress, and I've been asked to write for the UK Wedding Shows Website - which you can read here.
Chels x

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Happy New Year!!

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year!! Hope you all had a great Christmas.

Well it's January 4th, we are back to work, I turn 30 in 4 days and I get married in July and am at least a stone and a half heavier than I'd like to be - how depressing!

I'm back to the gym today and I am joining Weight Watchers tonight, do any of you know how this new Pro Points system works?

I'm also gonna be changing this blog soon by the way - it will soon become Chelsea's Wedding Diaries. I'm going to be blogging about various aspects of getting married and I hope some of it may help you along the way - or you might just find it interesting. If you've just got engaged I'd love to know so email me at

Speak soon,
Chelsea x