Thursday, 18 November 2010

Royal Wedding

The Royal Wedding!
Were you as surprised as me when Prince William and Kate Middleton announced their engagement? I've got to be honest my first thought was it better had not be July 16th 2011.
I've still been blogging on the UK Wedding Show Website - this time about the whole wedding dress shopping saga.
If you fancy keeping up with the wedding click here:
Chels x

Friday, 5 November 2010



I hope you're all ok. Happy Bonfire Night!

I can't believe it's November already - and the wedding is fast approaching. I've got everything sorted, and have been asked to blog for the UK Wedding Show website. It's an amaizng site with loads of tips and hints for weddings. And they tour the UK putting on amazing shows too. I went to one just a couple of weeks ago at Manchester Central.

So I'll be writing for them every month or so - the first one is on the site now. If you'd like to have a read and follow the progress of the wedding please click here:

Matt has just started on Key103 too - he did work for the competition but he's joined us here at Key to present lates on the station. And he didn't get it cos of his relationship with me - ha!

Make sure you listen Sunday to Friday from 10pm - 1am.

Have a great bonfire night and make sure your pets are safe inside.

Chelsea x